By making use of the blend space and optimality principle, anticipated result is achieved, which may broaden the application of the theory. 利用概念整合理论中的合成空间和最优化原则,达到分析目的,进一步拓展该理论的应用空间。
Bellman's optimality principle to establish necessary conditions of optimal control. Bellman的最优性原理建立最优控制所满足的必要条件。
With Markov optimality principle, the paper extends the existing models and discusses the optimal claim strategies of policyholders under these automobile insurance clauses. 本文应用马尔科夫最优化原理推广了汽车保险的最优索赔策略模型,并对我国现行的三个车险条款的最优索赔策略问题进行了实证研究。
Based on the optimality principle of the network, a dynamic Internet congestion control algorithm ( DICCA) at the resources and the link nodes is presented. 基于网络优化原理,建立了一个在网络的源节点和连接节点都是动态变化的Internet拥塞控制算法。
This paper introduces the system structure and optimality principle of the statistic mode identification technique and, relating to a practical case in iron and steel production, discusses the whole process in which the case is optimized in the mode identification. 本文介绍统计模式识别技术的系统结构及优化原理,并结合钢铁生产中的一个实例,较详细地论述了模式识别对其优化的全过程。
We analyze the issue of the benefit optimality which relates to the system, game theory and information economic, and explain the principle of the Pareto Optimality of the whole benefit in SC. 运用系统论、博弈论和经济学的理论与方法对供应链的利益优化问题进行了详细的论证,解释了供应链整体利益帕累托最优的原理。
This paper solves some special estimating value problems of double integral with the help of the optimality principle and graphical solution of the linear programming. 利用线性规划论的最优性原理和图解法解决一些特殊二重积分的估值问题。
Pareto Optimality Principle and the justice idea of economics is consistent with the justice enjoyed by and unoffending justice proposed by the criminal reconciliation system. 帕累托最优原理、经济学的公正观念与刑事和解制度主张的所有人的正义和无害正义相一致。
The novel algorithm integrates majority logical decision principle with optimality decision principle to combine the transmitted packets before decoding at the receiver. 该算法综合运用择多判决法则和择优判决法则,在接收端对多次重传的接收信号进行合并译码。
The necessary conditions for optimality of nonlinear piecewise smooth dynamical system are proved via maximum principle. 本文利用极大值原理得到了非线性分段光滑动力系统最优控制的必要条件。
In this article, we will study the multi-dimensional multistage fuzzy optimal control question, which mainly draw support from the Bellman optimality principle. 本文主要将借助贝尔曼最优性原理,来研究一下多维多阶段的模糊最优控制问题。